Work And A Life ~ Carol Glover

One Voice to Change The World



Do you ever wonder if your single voice (or talent, or capacity) can make a difference? Meet “Peace and Love Heidi”, recently she opened a shop in the village of Ferndale Ontario with the vision of creating a healing, uplifting, and community based place. From my first conversation with Heidi and watching how people are drawn to her and her store, I knew she was a shining example of how one person truly can shift the world. I noticed too that people are craving this kind of community and each of us can bring what have to offer for all to enjoy. Beyond the shop, Heidi is creating a healing centre and continues sharing her voice with the world through her music - and I'm sure there's more! Join us as we explore what could be possible for the planet with a little willingness to share our selves wherever and however we can. You can reach Heidi on Facebook at Contact Carol at