Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

131:LOVE: Power of Sacred Relationship to Heal & Free Yourself and the World



You know the saying that our relationships are some of our biggest teachers? Truth. And today, as we go through this major time of transformation and change, we can either embrace our relationships as ways to heal, so we can create realities based in wholeness instead of woundedness... or we can keep re-creating the same wounded patterns, acting them out over and over.  I vote for embracing our power, and taking a look at what is going on in our relationships right now. To shine the light on what is going on in your heart right now when it comes to your closest relationships - the ones you struggle with, the ones from the past that are still lingering on, the ones that bring you support and joy and want to grow and the ones that you desire to create that don't exist yet. If we want a world, a society, systems and ways of thinking, that are rooted in respect, love, kindness, compassion we have to look within and at our own relationships too.  All lasting systemic and social change must be rooted in personal tr