

I’m Jeff Tanner, Dean of the Strome College of Business, and this is a Strome Business Minute. Last Sunday at Fresh Market I noticed these signs all over touting their rating as one of the cleanest stores in America. Today, I got an email from American Airlines outlining their policies for safer flying. These two marketing strategies really have the same goal, to build consumer confidence that they can safely buy from both. Having a clean store or touchless ticketing is great but one problem is other people – those shoppers who defy mask orders. Cathy Lewis, host of W H R V’s Hearsay, set up the facebook page Mask- Friendly businesses in the 7 5 7 so you can find places to shop where people wear masks. Restoring consumer confidence in the safety of doing business is foundational to getting out of this economic crisis but it takes all of us. This has been a Strome Business Minute, presented by the Strome College of Business at Old Dominion University.