Strome Business Minute With Dr. Jeff Tanner

Realta gets FDA approval



I’m Jeff Tanner, Dean of the Strome College of Business, and this is a Strome Business Minute. A lot of focus has been on the potential for a COVID vaccine. In fact, one economist likened the rush for a vaccine to the development of the atomic bomb, a race run by countries who want to be first. But a vaccine is only part of the story. Another part, and possibly more important if COVID acts like the flu and mutates every year, is effective treatment. And one of our local companies is on the forefront. Realta, the Norfolk based pharmaceutical development company, received FDA approval for first round studies of a treatment for the effects of the Corona virus. This treatment won’t eliminate COVID, but it does show the possibility of reducing the inflammation of the lungs that so often kills the patient, which, if it can do that, will save lives and that’s great news. This has been a Strome Business Minute, presented by the Strome College of Business at Old Dominion University.