Infinite Energies With ~ Lisa Benitz

Have You Bought Your Diagnosis? Co-Host Liam Phillips



How many times have you been given a health diagnosis and immediately bought into what the medical community has concluded? What if something was available to you and you no longer had to buy the diagnosis as being true and real for you. Would you be willing to be your own advocate and start listening to your body? Liam was born in England with hearing deficiency that affected his language development. His frail body was often sick during this time which only added to his problems and he was told from an early age that he would never do very well at school. Despite his disabilities he moved to Australia where he excelled at school in science and became a member of the Australian fencing team for many years. After this he went on to gain a degree in teaching severely disabled people. After many years battling with alcoholism he was able to turn his life around by becoming more conscious using tools of meditation. This inspired him to expand his teaching to include meditation, yoga, healing and organic foods. W