Growing Up Conscious ~ Cathleen Connor

Being Deliciously YOU! ~ Guest Sophie Robert Mihalko



Do you feel so different you are not sure people really “get you”? Do you ever feel like if you really chose to be you people would not be able to relate to you anymore? In this episode, Sophie will introduce us to tools and concepts that allow you to be you with ease no matter what the situation is. What if there was no need for conflict? What is beyond self-confidence? Sophie Robert Mihalko, Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness® grew up feeling like that and spent years searching for ways to either fit in or force them to love her. When she discovered Access Consciousness® she applied the tools and discovered that everything she ever judged herself about were actually her strengths and talent. Today she travels the world facilitating people in being them in the most delicious way. She is French, after all.