Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Trucking Stuff with TalKCDL



Trucking Stuff. This week on the show we talked about a cat that traveled in a Peterbilt from Canada to North Dakota. The cat was a stowaway on board a truckers semi. When the truck driver conducted a daily inspection of his rig, he found the black cat named "spooky". Jack Shao an active trucker called the phone number on the kitties collar and the rest was history. The phone call went to a veterinarian which in turn went right to the cats owner. A happy ending for the felines family. We also highlighted some issues for truck drivers drug screening. According to authorities, an increase in drug screen refusals is on the rise. Most truck drivers don't realize it but a refusal of a random or a pre-employment drug screen is equivalent to an actual drug screen failure. When going through the hiring process, a trucking company views a refusal and a failure equal and therefore in most cases a truck driver is turned down for employment. If you are in a state where "pot" is legal, you might consider avoiding thes