Perry Noble Leadership Podcast

Five Leadership Traps That Are Easy To Fall Into



Episode Summary My first speeding ticket was on Marchbanks Road in Anderson, SC. The funny thing: when I began telling people about it, everyone told me the exact spot where I was pulled over! It was a speed trap! We all know about speed traps when we're driving but did you know, there are leadership traps as well? Leadership traps will literally tear down what has taken time to build throughout years of leadership. Trap One: Personal Insecurities When we allow personal insecurities to dominate our mindset they will always manifest themselves in our ability to lead. Self awareness is one of the greatest things a leader can have. The sooner a leader recognized his/her own personal insecurities, the sooner they can begin to work through them. For example, when I first began my leadership journey my personal insecurities came out in two major ways... 1. Sarcasm The best way for me to deal with something was to make a joke about it. Sarcasm will work short term, but long term it will cause people to lose res