White Girl Bleed A Lot With Colin Flaherty

Seattle Chief: You are on your own when it comes to riots. A new podcast from Colin Flaherty.



This post Seattle Chief: You are on your own when it comes to riots. A new podcast from Colin Flaherty. by Colin Flaherty appeared first on White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white crime. rtl now serien downloaden Follow Never in the history of anything have I ever seen or heard a police chief tell citizens that riots are coming and there is nothing the police can do to stop them or protect you da fit app. But that is exactly what happened in Seattle this weekend. And now [...] This post Seattle Chief: You are on your own when it comes to riots. A new podcast from Colin Flaherty. by Colin Flaherty appeared first on White Girl Bleed a Lot, Knockout Game, black on white crime.