Mitä Pelataan?

Top 90 (2020) - Part 1 (intro)



My top 90 favourite games of all time that I own as of spring 2020 - Intro to the list. Finally! Here it is, half a year later than originally supposed to. I hope better late than never though! This is the introductory episode to my top 90 list. I tell about the list and compare the list to the lists of people in podcasts that I follow. I also tell what games fell of the list and what did not make it, yet. I describe a bit how the list was made and how I ranked my games in the list. I hope you enjoy at least some parts of the episode and will be back for the list - it's in English this time around so more people can understand what I say, albeit with some strangeness in pronounciation - apologies for that if you're a native English speaker! Leave a comment to any of my media listed at the end of these shownotes or contact me if you have an opinion or something to say! Leave a review if you think you should, subscribe to the podcast from somewhere if you are able to! Thank you for listening! The podcast