Star Wars Blaster Canon

BC28: Master & Apprentice, Vanity Fair, Dooku: Jedi Lost



The latest addition to the Star Wars galaxy brings Den of Geek’s Star Wars experts back to the Prequel Trilogy with the novel Master & Apprentice, by Claudia Gray. The main topic for this episode, a review of the novel, covers whether or not the hosts liked it (a wide variety of opinions) as well as what it tried—successfully or unsuccessfully—to say about the fall of the Old Republic Jedi. Anakin’s turn to the dark side, Qui-Gon’s belief in the prophecy, and the role of the Republic in interfering in slave-holding planets like Tatooine all connect to the novel—but what exactly is it saying?The hosts also dig into new character Rael Aveross, a contemporary of Qui-Gon, and what he can tell us about Anakin’s Jedi lineage.In other Star Wars news, Vanity Fair released its traditional article and photos to accompany the upcoming saga film. It reveals space horses, new costumes, and a lot of lighting choices to interpret. Most importantly, space horses!Director Laeta Kalogridis is rumored to be on board for a K