Star Wars Blaster Canon

BC32: The Rise of Skywalker and Future Saga Films



This week in Star Wars news, the final trailer for The Rise of Skywalker is out, and our podcast hosts break down what we’re excited about and the deep cuts we noticed. Game of Thrones duo David Benioff and D. B. Weiss have been removed from their official Star Wars project, according to reports from Variety and Hollywood reporter this week. Are they “failing upward?” Is this symptomatic of a larger problem of disorganization among Lucasfilm’s leadership? Another idea that was confirmed by this news was that the pair was working on a project about the origins of the Jedi. Ancient Jedi are a popular subject among Star Wars fans across the board, so how could that project go ahead with a different creative team?We veer toward the Prequels to talk about why Rey’s story might ought to be more like Anakin Skywalker’s. Was Rey born from the Force? Will The Rise of Skywalker be influenced by a growing love of the prequels and deep Force lore from the fandom? Another key reveal in The Rise of Skywalker is Empero