Failed Critics

Failed Critics Podcast: Oooh Chinny Reckon



Welcome to the absolute best podcast we've ever recorded.... ooooh chinny reckon. Chinny. Reck. Kon. Oooh Jimmy Hill chinny reckon. Chinnnnny. Ok, ok. No, it's probably not the best podcast we've ever recorded, but it was still a lot of fun as hosts Steve Norman and Owen Hughes chat Korean revenge thrills in The Villainess with Paul Field, as well as trying to work out whether Darren Aronofsky's mother! was pretentious tosh, or if that is even a bad thing at all. The pod kicks off with one of Paul's famed Amazon Review quizzes before the trio run through a few notable winners from last weekend's Emmy awards. Steve finally watches Dangerous Game, the so-called "worst football film ever made" according to The Independent, whilst Owen struggles through a review of indie drama The Song of Sway Lake due to losing all his notes minutes before recording; and Paul discovers Australian horror Killing Ground. We'll be back again next week to review Kingsman: The Golden Circle.  See for priva