Empowered By Iron

The Plant-Based Athlete - Episode 135



  With the explosion of vegan and plant-based diets, it can be seemingly difficult to determine what the recommendations are for people who want to be plant-based and are also athletes. In today’s episode we discuss the recommendations for the plant based athletes, a little science, and some tips/tricks from our resident vegan, Mary.   Mentioned Resources: https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-017-0192-9#Sec1   Sign up for the All Access Membership & join us for weekly seminars on topics from self-improvement to breaking through negativity to nutrition/training:    https://femalestrengthacademy.com/product/strength-in-chaos-virtual-seminars-all-access-membership-2/   Follow us on Instagram and tag us in your posts by using the hashtag #empoweredbyiron Join our women’s only Facebook Group: https://m.facebook.com/groups/femalestrengthacademy Check out our nutrition coaching: Fiercely Fueled Nutrition Coaching - Online nutrition coaching for strength and functional fitness athletes. C