Show With No Name

Episode 50



Holy hell, ladies and gents   We made it, yes we made it to episode 50. It is a minor miracle that we are still here. But we are and that is the main thing.   The boys do not mess about and get into everything that is going on, in the world of the AFL and why we love the Gold Coast Suns and Matt Rowell, as well as why the game in certain places is so good yet so bad at the same time.   Do not ask Alex, if this is his job or if it is picking up. He is completely sick of it, can someone get this man a job please, he is losing it. He also deleted all of his tweets.    #Speakingout happened in the wrestling world and it is a topic that we needed to address. Thoughts are with any and all victims and we can only hope that the perpetrators are gone from wrestling for good.    Reminder to watch this space, 07/11/20