Swiss Banking Lawyers Podcast

How To Prepare For The Global Currency Reset 2020 | Enzo Caputo



The interview partner is a financial analyst. He’s name is Silvan. He is concerned that the world, or at least some countries, could implement far-reaching monetary reforms and that the citizens of these countries could be expropriated. He collected very illustrative charts showing that a Global Currency Reset 2020 can be possible. These charts show how indebted the world is and what the central banks are currently doing with the currencies. He will show that the world has turned on the printing presses on an unprecedented scale never seen before. He also points out that the eurozone has long been in a state of sharp disparity between North and South and that - contrary to what the politicians always say - nobody has benefited from the Euro. It also shows our viewers that the world's central banks are causing unprecedented crises with their monetary policy. In his opinion, the state will not be able to solve the situation with ever-higher debts and ever-increasing money supply. We show the viewer some solu