Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

130 LOVE: Power of Self-Love to Heal & Free Yourself and This World (#1 of 3)



We talk a lot about the power of the mind, how thoughts create our realities, personally and collectively. And while that is true, here's the deeper truth: our heart is our true power center. It's the heart and it's wholeness or it's woundedness, coupled with the cellular imprints within our bodies that inform our thoughts, which drive our actions, which create the realties all around us.  Right now at this time on the planet, our hearts and our bodies are being triggered to react from the wound and deeply embedded imprints rooted in fear, shame, blame. Even for those who have been 'doing their inner work' for years, decades... even for people who are educated and trained in mental health, emotional wellness, and spiritual development... WE ARE ALL BEING TRIGGERED, or like i like to say, BEING INVITED TO HEAL our WOUNDED HEARTS SO WE CAN BE FREE TO LEAD AND LIVE FROM OUR WHOLE HEARTS, rooted in wholeness, wellness, aka LOVE.  Choosing to embrace and dive into your own healing is an act of sacred activism ...