That Vet Life

Story Time: How Distance Running prepped me for the NAVLE



Hey y'all! It's been a hot minute since I've recorded a solo episode for y'all. A year ago I was entering the stressful season of NAVLE prep, and OH MY WORD! That was a long arduous exam. But I came out the other side rather un-scathed thanks to the amount of prep work that I put during the months leading up to the exam. In today's episode I wanted to share some of what that work entailed by comparing it to one of my favorite things, running! Now being a year removed from when I first started studying I can say with 100% certainty that training for a long-distance race is very similar to prepping for the NAVLE and in this episode I go through the tips and tricks that I learned from my own long distance training and how to implement them in your own NAVLE prep. This is NOT a "how-to" podcast, but rather a list of "things to consider" as you enter this season of NAVLE prep. I hope this is helpful and provides some encouragement. Have a comment or a question? You can message me on Instagram and Facebook @thatvet