Jane Anderson Show Podcast

Ep 50 - Leader in People & Operations, Andrew Deering



In this episode of our special "Courage in a Crisis" series, we talk to our very special guest, Andrew Deering.  Andrew is a Leader in Operations and People, a Coach, Facilitator and Author.  As leaders, we are often focused outward, on leading our tribes, our people, our businesses.  But now more than ever, we need to look inward and be of service to ourselves, so that we can best serve others.  Andrew helps leaders create a shift into being a better version of themselves.  In this episode, he shares his expertise to help us all reflect on the impact of this crisis on ourselves. In this interview, we explore three key aspects of Andrew's latest book, "Create the Shift - Book 1: You".  We talk about useful and limiting beliefs; the importance of investing your time, not spending it; and the feet we sit at as leaders - who we listen to, and the importance of being mindful of who is influencing you. This episode will help you focus on yourself, your leadership, and get ready to create your own shift as we em