Strome Business Minute With Dr. Jeff Tanner

ICE ices foreign student economic impact



I’m Jeff Tanner, Dean of the Strome College of Business, and this is a Strome Business Minute. The federal government rescinded regulations that prohibit international students from taking a fully online schedule. The regulations meant that if a University pivoted mid-term to online only, those students have to leave without finishing the term. However, they failed to recognize the financial impact these students have on local economies. According to the US Department of Commerce, foreign students contributed forty five billion dollars to the US economy in twenty eighteen. At Michigan State, international students support an estimated 4700 non-university jobs by living, shopping, and eating there. In Boston, the economic impact of international students is $1.6 billion. And that doesn’t include the impact of profitable higher tuition, as they pay the full rate. Exporting American education is big business, and rescinding those prohibitions is a big economic boost. This has been a Strome Business Minute, prese