Inside Lenz Network

ImaginePublicity on Air: Thomas O'Callaghan, No One Will Hear Your Screams



NO ONE WILL HEAR YOUR SCREAMS by Thomas O'Callaghan published by WildBlue Press Is there a sociopath on the loose in New York City?  The NYPD believes there is. Who is Tilden, this man who claims to have been sexually abused as a child by his mother’s john?  Was that same type of abuse, perpetrated this time by a heartless prostitute he’d hired for an afternoon of debauchery the trigger that ignited Tilden’s rage, sending him on a mission to eradicate all women of the night? A native of New York City and a graduate of Richmond College, Mr. O'Callaghan resides with his lovely wife, Eileen, a stone's throw from the Atlantic Ocean in beautiful Belle Harbor, New York. His debut novel, BONE THIEF, republished by WildBlue Press on April 28, 2020, introduces NYPD Homicide Commander Lieutenant John W. Driscoll.  THE SCREAMING ROOM,  his second in the John Driscoll series, was republished by WildBlue Press on May 5, 2020.  The third book in the series, NO ONE WILL HEAR YOUR SCREAMS, was released by WildBlue Press on