
Rand(Nerds); Episode 9



Welcome to the new highly professional, PC and positive podcast! To  start with we complain about the new Thief game, we discuss four table  top games Mice and mystics, Descent, Lords of Waterdeep and Munchkin. A  new game to scare you from playing on your PC with Alien Isolation. We  also talk the upcoming death of Window Live and EU proposing to ban the  term ‘Free to Play’. Plus a bonus feature, hear what happens to thorny  as gets slowly drunk over the course of the podcast! Notes If you really must, you can look at Thief (Don’t forget to read our review first) Fancy a tabletop binge? try Mice and mystics, Descent, Lords of Waterdeep, Munchkin Experience the terror of the Nostromo crew with Alien Isolation Anything you think we should talk about? Weird news to blow Luke mind with? Or just want to ask us a question? You can email us here. Follow us on twitter Like us on facebook See our YouTube channel Join us on google+ Until next time guys Cheers Nic