
Rand(Nerds); Episode 11



This episode we move fully into the 21st century by doing  our first livesteam. It will be a cleaner podcast as Luke is banned from  swearing. We discuss Final Fantasy 7 with Nick probably being the only  gamer in the world who hasn’t played it and managed to miss the Deus Ex:  HR homage to it. Luke discusses the Japanese mech game Gundam Breaker.  We also talk about how Duke Nukem needs to mature and game for people  who like smashing things with Lego Lord of the Rings. We look back  fondly at Gamespy and discuss its shutdown, we also learn Nick is easily  scared and Adam can’t tell his ovis aries from his Capra aegagrus hircus. Notes Relive/Try a 17 year old classic with some crap Square Enix stuff on top with Final Fantasy 7. Enjoy the in depth ‘Squiggle Writing’ with Gundam Breaker. Are you the sort of person who enjoys smashing and collecting things? try the Lego series. Worried about Gamespy shutting down, try Gameranger. Want to enjoy a really in-depth character