Newsweek's Foreign Service

Satire after Trump—Will Smith and Richard Smith



Will Smith, comedian and writer on Veep and The Thick of It, and Richard Smith, editor of satirical news site Newsthump join Newsweek's Mirren Gidda and Josh Lowe to discuss: How do satirists ridicule the ridiculous? Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election in a stunningly rude manner with an "anything goes" approach to publicity and jokes about the size of his hands. Like UKIP's Nigel Farage in Brexit Britain, Trump seems to come out on top no matter what the media throw at him. Making satire stick with such figures around can be tricky. What's more, the much-discussed phenomenon of "fake news" may be alarming for spoof news sites; how can they stop their work fueling the supposed misinformation epidemic? Trump's famously thin skin has already led to outbursts of rage against journalists and comedians. Should they be worried about retaliation? Newsweek's Foreign Service is recorded and edited by Jordan Saville.  See for privacy and opt-out information.