Luke's Massive Storytelling Podcast Thing ...

Challenge Accepted



In England we have a saying.   It's called 'Bricking It'.   And it has nothing to do with manual labour.   What it actually refers to is nervousness. What it more actually refers to is sh*tting oneself.   That's sortof how I feel today, becuase today is the first day of the first 7-Day Story Challenge. From today I have 7 days to write and publish a short story to the Amazon Kindle store.   What you'll find in today's episode:   Getting the initial feedback of a story idea. Skype Call Testing Service. What's that all about? Am I right? What exactly IS the 7-Day Story Challenge? And Much Much More ... (words). What you won't find? Jeremy Clarkson. That Zayne guy from One Direction. If you're doing your own 7-Day Story challenge, let me know! E-mail me at