Luke's Massive Storytelling Podcast Thing ...

Kickstarting Comics With Tom Ward



Today we interview Kickstarter repeat offender Tom Ward. He's the comic book maestro behind Merrick: The Sensational Elephantman and Treves: A Restless Night.   I haven't interviewed anyone for a while now so I was a little nervous going into this, but I think it turned out pretty good.   Tom was a proper English gent and even let me mispronounce his comic book repeatedly!   This episode's pretty amazing for people who have an interest in crowdfunding, comic books, and people called Tom Ward.   Check out Tom's work at   We're starting to plan some 7-day story challenges too so if you want to get involved with all that, give me a shout.   Also, Hawk & Cleaver is now on Facebook. We're going to be giving away free stuff, writing articles, and launching cleavers on this mailing list: