Viva Papa Francisco

Long Live Pope Francis -5- with Michael - on Feast of the Immaculate Conception - Totus2us



Michael, from Brooklyn, New York: "I’m really happy and excited about Pope Francis and the way he’s reaching out to everybody and bringing in a lot of new people to the Church. When Pope Benedict resigned I was sad, I admit I was very sad, it was hard to handle. I mean, you know him for so long, you get to know him, to love him a lot, so to see him resign was hard. I knew the reason he did it, he explained it well, but it was just hard to see him go. But when he resigned and we got Pope Francis, I started to realise, 'wow, that was a very wise decision', I started to see that, because Pope Francis has a charism that compliments both Pope Benedict and Pope John Paul II." Papa Francesco: "Vergine Santa e Immacolata, a Te, che sei l’onore del nostro popolo e la custode premurosa della nostra città, ci rivolgiamo con confidenza e amore. Tu sei la Tutta Bella, o Maria! Il peccato non è in Te. Suscita in tutti noi un rinnovato desiderio di santità: nella nostra parola rifulga lo splendore della verità, nelle nostre