
Práctica 9 # Inmersión



In the 22nd episode, Yolanda didn´t feel well, she felt dizzy, she had a fever, she had her nose blocked and she had a runny nose, she cough and she shivered. She had to go to the doctor to know what was the matter and to know what to do for feeling well herself. Yolanda went to consult to the doctor and she explained him their symptoms. There was an only diagnosis: she had a very important flu. The doctor recommended her medicines and adviced in order to she could recover herself and she could go back to the diary life. Now, in our Listening Practice 9, we can review all these situations around to have a flu, to go to to the doctor, take medicine, etc. in order you can automate a little these linguistics uses. Im 23rd and 24th episodes, Toni was crazzy for Alice but he was going through a personal crisis that was caused by a few changes in their life circumstances. He was suffering a kind of anxiety attack and he didn´t find answers to his new situation. Toni decided to visite to a psychoanalyst to try to f