



Hello and welcome to spanishpodcast. I´m Mercedes, from Barcelona. In our third special episode about puzzles, or riddles, we define what is it and we explain theirs characteristics in spanish language as a word play that gave you a lot of clues to bring you until the solution. Puzzles are difficult to think because it must have to link clues and try to resolve it. You can find in this episode many puzzle, or riddles, with a difficult graduated, since easier to more difficult. You can find too the most classic and well known spanish puzzles selection in order you can come near to this interesting wonder of the oral literature and you can another fun and amazing linguistic spanish topic: the "adivinanza". Es una tercera celebración de abril por el primer aniversario de spanishpodcast y por ello, en nuestro episodio especial, vamos a hablar sobre "adivinanzas". En él se define y se explica qué es una adivinanza en español, en tanto que juego de palabras que proporciona pistas para llevarte hasta el secreto.