
De terrazas y tapeo



Last episodes were about to have breakfast in a Spanish bar, to have a set lunch menu at a Spanish restaurant or to get a good room in a hotel. Today we are continuing this way and we are going out with our friends going to outdoor bars to have Spanish TAPAS. As usual you´ll can hear and read it simultaneously in our web where you can find too all episodes, all learning guides and two new albums of photographs about Terrazas y Tapas en Barcelona & Terrazas y Tapas en Madrid. You´ll can link to Youtube to see new movies with a Spanish audiotext in order you can follow improving your spanish language; last movie is about a great Neruda´s poem: “Me gustas cuando callas” from “Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada”. If you visit our web you can use our Google search where you can writte wathever grammar or communicative topic you are looking for and you will find the episodes that this topic is worked. Our web is full of possibilities to improve your spa