
¿Vos en qué hablás?



In our 91st episode (¿Vos en qué hablás?) Carlota traveled to Buenos Aires to attend a Spanish as a Foreing Language Meeting. When she arrived Noemí is waiting for her at the airport. Noemí lived in Barcelona for five years and they became good friends in that time. Noemí came back to Buenos Aires three years ago but both friends have kept in touch all the time. Now Carlota traveled to Buenos Aires and she going to stay at Noemí´s home. They are chatting the whole way with a dialogue full of the traditional, pronoms and verbs typical of te characteristic speech of Buenos Aires area: the voseo. Will you come with me to know this lingüistic variety of Spanish language? Come on, you can know too the equivalent pronoms and verbal forms in the european spanish. En nuestro episodio nº 91 (¿Vos en qué hablás?) Carlota ha ido a Buenos Aires para asistir a un congreso de Español Lengua Extranjera (ELE). Cuando llega, su amiga Noemí la está esperando en el aeropuerto. Noemí vivió cinco años en Barcelona y durante es