

This is a Strome Business Minute, presented by the Strome College of Business. If your dream is to produce the number one box office movie, it’s now a little easier than normal. In fact, two guys just did it with a movie that cost them nothing to make. Called Unsubscribed, the horror movie was made with all volunteer talent and lasts all of twenty nine minutes. Filmmaker Christian Nilsson and actor Erich Tabach created the movie, then rented out an entire theater. Apparently, there’s this practice where if you rent out a theater, you keep all of the revenue from ticket sales. So Nilsson and Tabach charged themselves over twenty five thousand dollars, which they got back, to sit and watch the movie over and over – three times in all. And that made it the number one movie at the box office on June 10th! This has been Strome Business Minute, presented by the Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University.