Sunnydale Study Group

Buffy 402 - Living Conditions



Finally settling in, Buffy has totally gotten the whole campus girl thing down. But friction is developing between her roommate Kathy, not just because she keeps playing Cher and eating eggs but because SHE'S A SOUL-SUCKING DEMON! Maybe? Maybe not. Maybe Buffy's just cracking up. Can the Scoobies help with Buffy's domestic situation or will Buffy learn that there's no life after love-ing one's roommate? Join us as we catch up on our New Years celebrations, our own personal roommate stories and an exciting announcement about the podcast! Sunnydale Study Group is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer podcast hosted by Holland Farkas, Chris Bramante and Omar Najam. Find more Sunnydale goodness at and See for privacy and opt-out information.