Beards & Bitcoins

Can The Stock Market Go Up Forever?



Episode 95: Can The Stock Market Go Up Forever? This episode is as brief but comprehensive as you can get—we cover the stock market and the Robinhood Rally, Bitcoin's market dominance during AltSeason, and beard grooming. For News Break, we talk about the stock market and the economy in the context of the Robinhood Rally. How does this affect the crypto space? Will the dollar collapse? Will our economic system be revolutionized? Why is the stock market going up while the economy seems to be down? We provide our insights on these questions in this segment. In Token Time, we discuss how Bitcoin is affecting Altcoin Season. How does Bitcoin price affect altcoins? What happens to altcoins when Bitcoin rises? What happens when Bitcoin starts making these big moves? Manspreading's all about beard grooming—the fiber nature of our hair, beard-shaving, beard-trimming, and all sorts of emotions that we feel when we're deciding on what to do with our beards. Should you shave your quarantine beard? If you have questions