Nonprofit Jenni Show

9 Tips to Improve Your Website and SEO



In this time of social distancing and Stay at Home / Safer at Home protocol, it’s more important than ever to ensure that people are able to find your nonprofit online when they’re searching for ways to support the causes they care about...because let’s face it: Everyone is on their devices all hours of the day now! It’s time to improve your nonprofit’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so your donation needs, volunteer opportunities, and program offerings are easy to find. Jenni recently released a Nonprofit SEO Mini-Course on her website at In this episode, Jenni’s sister joins us again to break down 9 tips from the mini-course to help improve your nonprofit’s website and SEO. Download the full mini-course on the Nonprofit Jenni website to learn how to fill in your SEO gaps, and for Jenni’s full checklist of nonprofit website essentials. Nonprofit Jenni provides consulting services and coaching calls for nonprofits and social impact organizations seeking guidance in the area