Nonprofit Jenni Show

Free Online Marketing for Nonprofits: Google Ad Grant vs. SEO



“Safer at Home” ordinances and social distancing guidelines have caused an increase in people searching online for ways to support the causes they care about most, so it’s super important for your nonprofit to show up in Google results. This week on the Nonprofit Jenni Show, we talk about two ways to ensure new supporters can find you: the Google Ad Grant and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). After talking about SEO on the podcast last week, Jenni wanted to address some questions about the differences between the Google Ad Grant and SEO. She invites Grant Hensel, Founder and CEO of Nonprofit Megaphone, to answer common questions about how the Google Ad Grant works for nonprofits, including: --How can nonprofits use the Google Ad Grant to get donations, volunteers, and other types of support?--What components does a nonprofit website need before it makes sense to get the Google Ad Grant?--Does the Google Ad Grant impact your SEO, or vice versa? Jenni also gives a personal life update that impacts her work. Non