Navigating with Zakkee Ahmad

020: Quarantine Life Advice



(Recorded April 9, 2020) This whole staying at home in quarantine thing really didn't bother me that much at all... You're saying I have to stay home, try to figure out a new way to work, take care of my baby, do chores, and not lose my mind? Sounds like the last 18 months of my life! I'm a fuckin pro at this already! In fact, I was even more motivated cause it felt like as soon as I finally got my head on right and ready to work, the whole world was like "hold the door, we're coming too!" and started working from home - and starting online businesses too! In this episode, I offer the learnings from trying to become a good "at home worker"... Shower every day, change your clothes.. You know.. Obvious, not obvious stuff!