Mosaic Church Of Bellingham

Re-Imagining The Story



I want you to imagine something before you listen to this. It’s not going to be easy, but I want us to give it a try. I want you to imagine that we are sitting down with someone, whom we have just met, who is a devoted follower of Jesus. We, on the other hand, know nothing of this faith, its history, its premises, its writings or its traditions. Nothing. We are completely clueless. Imagine, as a result of this unknowing, that you know nothing about the Bible. You don’t know that many people in this faith believe it is inspired by their God. You don’t know that many take it very literally and consider it an accurate historical document, that tells us how the world was created, how all plant and animal life came into being, how humans came into being, how the various languages of the world started, etc… You don’t know any of this. You don’t know that there are two main parts of the Bible, an older part that was written by Jewish people and for Jewish people, to chronicle the history of their tribe (Israel