Mosaic Church Of Bellingham

We All Dance Until We Can't



Early this morning, just before I woke up, I had a dream that I was invited to speak down in Chile, in one of the large cities. There were a number of venues set up, but the first one was a large auditorium with split seating and a large floor in between. So I was walking back and forth between these two seating areas, talking to the groups. The venue was also very open to a busy urban street. Part way through my talk, which was about community, the street started to come alive with loud latin music. As the music kept ramping up, more and more people kept filling the street for this big dance party. It was quite organized and would have been fun to watch had I not been trying to speak to this group. Inside the building a similar thing was also happening to the crowd I was speaking too. A little at a time, then more and more, started heading outside to the dance party. I remember remarking that they were really good dancers! I mean it, they knew how to dance! Outside there was this kind of organized da