Catechesis With Saint John Paul Ii

The one God is the ineffable and most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Catechesis with Pope St John Paul II - Totus2us



St John Paul II, 9 Oct 1985: "The Church professes her faith in the one God, who is at the same time the Most Holy and ineffable Trinity of Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And the Church lives of this truth, contained in the most ancient symbols of faith, and recalled in our times by Paul VI, on the occasion of the 1900th anniversary of the martyrdom of the holy apostles Peter and Paul (1968), in the symbol presented by him and universally known as the "Credo of the People of God". Only "the One, who has wished to make Himself known to us and who 'dwelling in light inaccessible' (1 Tim 6, 16) is in Himself above every name, above all things and above every created intelligence ... can give us right and full knowledge of Himself, revealing Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in whose eternal life we are called by his grace to participate, here below in the obscurity of faith and, beyond death, in perpetual light...". 2. God, who for us is incomprehensible, has wished to reveal Himself, not only as  t