Truth Tribe Radio

Expressing You: Debut Episode with Astrologer, Janet Hickox!



Hello and welcome to the first episode of "Expressing You" It is my Passion to ignite the spark within you, empowering you to Be who you came here to Be and awaken to your own divinity. This year 2013 our focus is on falling in love with life. "Living our life in service to life"  and allowing life to express itself though us.You may wonder how is that possible with so much chaos around us.  It starts with us individually, one of the most empowering choices you can make is to take responsibility for how you feel and how you respond to what is happening in our life. Your Emotional responses create your destiny and the future patterns that unfold in your life. If you are triggered emotionally by a person, an event, or situation it is always something from your past that is ready for healing and release.  These triggers are being played out in your life and are a gift for you to claim parts of yourself back into wholeness. There are really only a handful of core issues that keep repeating over and over again,