Truth Tribe Radio

Let's Talk Archetypes: Special Guest Christina Gallagher!



I am pleased to present Christina Gallagher as my guest on Let's Talk Archetypes.   Christina lives in Hawaii, but is a citizen of the world. Join me as she shares her inspiriting journey.   Christina Gallagher inspires, empowers and launches the potential of others. “ Her philosophy is “What I want for me, I want for you, only more.” She created her first full moon circle nearly a decade ago. “We create peace within that ultimately creates peace on the planet. This year she has added seminars and workshops to her agenda attracting worldwide guest speakers to share their gifts and knowledge. Christina fervently believes educating children as global citizens will ultimately contribute to a peaceful planet. As her children grew so did her curiosity about 21st century educational options. Cue blind leap of faith and her next calling as a home school educator extraordinaire. The Gallagher family traveled to thirty-two countries truly exploring what it means to be a global citizen and peacekeeper. Now she sha