Truth Tribe Radio

Lady & TheGent: "PRETTY GOOD YEAR"



"PRETTY GOOD YEAR" Resolve to Evolve So you survived The Shift, a Mayan Apocalypse, the U.S. elections, and a season of Honey Boo-Boo. Now what? With 2012 behind them, LadyHope and TheUrbanGent rode their way through personal and Universal changes and lived to see 2013. Back in their first-ever hour-long Season Premiere, the hosts continue to evolve into their authentic selves. Did you keep your resolutions? Call in and chat with LadyHope & TheUrbanGent: 1-877-296-0345. Don't forget to watch LadyHope and TheUrbanGent LIVE on Authentic You TV as they continue to simultaneously broadcast on both Radio & TV this fall! Visit their official show page on Authentic You TV for details and to watch previous videos: or watch them LIVE Thursdays on our Ustream Channel!