Truth Tribe Radio

Expressing You: Relationships & Astrology



Having just celebrated Valentine’s Day yesterday, relationships, or the lack of them, is probably uppermost in everyone’s minds.  In today's episode, we will be looking at the indicators for relationships in an astrology chart. There are several key factors that we can look at as astrologers. For example, if you're a woman then the planet Mars is going to show us what type of men you are attracted to as Venus in a mans chart will show us what type of woman he's attracted to. The 7 House is the house of Partnerships & Marriage. Planets in this area of a natal chart show us the “what” of relationships for you. What kinds of relationships will you likely find yourself in or attracted to, what are the best partners for you. Planets transiting this area of your chart, as well as other indicators, can show us the “when” component of relationships. “When will I fall in love?” “When will I get married”. Because the 7 House is the “We” house it can show us how you will be within a relationship – for example are y