Truth Tribe Radio

Breakthrough: Your Life by Design - The Human Design System



At the moment of your birth you were imprinted with DNA of your waking personality. The Human Design System shows you why you feel, think and behave the way you do and it has nothing to do with whatever belief systems you may have running in your subconscious mind. This is one of the most accurate personality tools used today. • Feel like you are “flighty” and never finish a project! There’s a reason! • Burn out easily? There’s a reason! • Juggling 10 projects in the air at once all the time? Never finish all of them? There’s a reason. On Tuesday’s show Susan will discuss how you can find your true authentic self without the interference of your belief systems. How finding out what your true Human Design “type and strategy” is and how you can finally begin to live your life more authentically. How the Human Design System gives you a unique map with instructions on how to get from point A to point B with more ease and confidence. How this system allows you to finally enjoy living your life with more pur