
Make Everything Count



Nature does not offer omelettes to anyone: it gave eggs and we made omelettes. Nature gave grains and cereals and we made floor. With floor, we make cakes and puddings. Nature gave wood and we made chairs, tables, papers and so many artworks. Nature gave us steel, tin, iron etc.; and we made machines, sky crappers, mansions, aeroplanes, rockets and ships. Nature offers no finished products. You are the raw material. All that life gave you are raw materials. See, a child is needed to make an adult. We make our parents, and our parents we turn to grandparents. Take whatever life has offered you; don't sit and make complaints, turn them to products with economic value. And the great teacher told a parable about the talents with such a sad ending for the guy who had just a talent. He hid his only talent under the earth and simply offered excuses in return. Little did he know that life and it's demands has no room for excuses. And you, just like the servant in be story might have just talent, a thousand or