Hare Of The Blog Podcast

Hare Of The Blog™️ Podcast: Episode 19 - October 4th, 2018



Sunday is STILL the best day of the week. October is the best month (for sports) of the year. The Jets are favored this weekend? Why? Kevin K.Diddy looks like Mike Tomlin, Wayne Brady, etc. Shitty Yankee fans! Yankees vs. Red Sox. Friendly wager between Big Joe and K.Diddy. How to get cheap sports swag. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER LEAVE YOUR KEYS IN AN UBER. Game Of Thrones is to Showgirls as Vikings is to Showgirls on TBS. @kevinkdiddy @rhansen817 @airJOEYnicks53 @ColinF23 @djmcrican @jacquiborn @ChuckWhatTheF