Strome Business Minute With Dr. Jeff Tanner

Adweek PIvots to the Positive



Adweek agrees – it’s time to pivot to the positive. A recent analysis suggested that consumers are tired of hearing negative messages. According to Adweek’s Robert Klara, a Pew Study found 71 percent of Americans turning off the news to avoid hearing about the pandemic. Another study by Mitto found that 41 percent of consumers think it’s time for brands to talk about something else. For one thing, these consumers are probably tired of the piano music as the people in the commercial repeat “We’re here for you.” So if mannequins in restaurants are part of the new normal, at least for now, and consumers are ready to get out, as we saw in Virginia Beach last weekend, it’s also time for advertisers to pivot to new normal strategies with hope and optimism. To learn more, visit This Strome Business Minute is presented by the Strome College of Business at Old Dominion University.