Hearts & Minds

Season 2 Episode 5



This episode sees them catch up with singer songwriter Ruby Wood known for work with Submotion Orchestra, Linden Jay, Fabolous, Alfa Mist and more..  They discuss: The variety of peoples reaction to being in lockdown, Accents, Adapting to the current situation, Role reversal for old white ladys, Thee effects of covid-19 on musicians, Funding sources for artists, everythingokay.com, Divorce is on the rise in china, Cats lower blood pressure, Ruby's daughter Amber and her new song "Care & Share",  Whiststable is Ruby Wood's spirit home, Tracy Emmin is a Tory, The hypocrisy of Boris Johnson now saying save the NHS, Captain Tom raising 19+ million for the NHS and the mixed feeling it brings,  Richard Branson taking the piss, Rupert Murdoch,  The Two events the will unite the world, David Ike take on Covid-19, Hunger Games Society, USA vs China, Who are the people of value in our society? Dodging taxes, Everyone in government should take 12 doses of Iowaska before they take office, Wha