Since Right Now

Episode 16: Marilyn / Waking Up the Ghost



Waking Up the Ghost? I’ll let Marilyn explain: “… the first time I heard that expression, I was sitting on a deserted island in the Exumas, with a jaundiced Bahamian named Sands. I think it is also the first time a Bahamian man has ever refused a free drink. What Sands meant, was that the icy beer I offered would lead to another, and another and another; it was safer to keep the Ghost in check by not drinking at all.” A year and a half into her recovery Marilyn shares some insight on keeping the spirit(s) at bay. Referenced First Among Equals / Marilyn / Waking Up the Ghost Land of the Lotus Eaters Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) Alan Carr’s Easyway To Stop Smoking International Drinking Guidelines (Note: I had this wrong. It’s actually 1-2 drinks/day for women in much of the world.) http://www.icap.